Thursday, 14 May 2015

our trip to the town hall by Emily age 10

Our trip to the Town hall.

You would not believe what I did yesterday!!
We went to the town hall and we saw the mayor and all the other councilors that work there. We saw an amazing sword and lots of other artifacts. We went to the chambers and we learnt all about the things the council does for the borough. We were in there until break time and we got a drink and a snack. Then we went back in the chamber and we presented our debates on the facilities in the community for teenagers. Riley was the mayor of Great Yarmouth and we had to present a speech about the group of people that we researched. The group that won was the over 60's. We had lunch. We ate a sandwich and  a drink. After lunch we went on the mini bus and went back to school.
From Emily, age 10


  1. It was a lot of fun Emily. I enjoyed reading this!

  2. it's all true the best time ever!��

  3. that's a good trip!��

  4. Replies
    1. is cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
